Donating stock is simple and easy.

Instead of selling your stock and using the proceeds for charitable gifts, consider donating stock directly to us. 

Mission College graduate

Want to be generous and pay less taxes? 

 When you donate stock to the West Valley-Mission Foundation, we send you a donation receipt for the full fair market value of the shares at the time of donation.  This is an attractive giving option because it can increase your charitable tax-deduction, and help you give more to the causes you care about most. 

Consider this giving scenario.

Joe would like to donate $100,000 to fund a scholarship endowment at West Valley-Mission Foundation.

Instead of liquidating his stock investment and making a cash donation with the proceeds, Joe plans to donate his stock. When Joe transfers his stock to us, he pays no capital gains tax and earns a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the shares. 

In the two scenarios below, you can see how it is a tax-advantageous choice to transfer stock.

  • Current value of the stock Joe plans to donate: $100,000
  • Joe’s original cost-basis of that stock: $10,000
  • Federal Long-Term Capital Gains Rate: 20% (assumes highest long-term capital gains tax rate)


Scenario #1

Joe sells the stock and donates the net proceeds.

Scenario #2

Joe donates the stock directly to West Valley-Mission Foundation.

Federal Long-term capital gain taxes paid by Joe



Charitable contribution to fund Joe's scholarship endowment



How to transfer stock to West Valley-Mission Foundation

Stocks may be electronically transferred via DTC transfer. You typically need the following information to initiate the transaction.

  • Custody Agent: Lindbrook Capital
  • DTC Paticipant #: 0226
  • Account #: 676-336409
  • West Valley-Mission Foundation Federal Tax ID #: 77-0396330
  • Custodian Address: Fidelity Investments, ATTN: TOA Receives. PO Box 770001, Cincinnati, OH 45277-0036

To ensure that you are properly credited for your gift and that a tax-deductible receipt is sent to you in a timely manner, please send an email to [email protected] to alert us of your stock transfer. Please include the date of the transfer, name of the stock, and the number of shares transferred.

  • Questions?
    Contact Melissa Johns, Executive Director, to talk about donating stock. (408) 741-2165