Aida and Ray Gamba, Mike and Chris Gamba, Mary and Kevin O'Regan
Year Established
West Valley College
About this Endowment
Joan and Bob Gamba were married August 6, 1952 and celebrated 53 years of marriage
in San Francisco until Joan passed away from cancer in 2006. One week after they were
married Bob went off to Germany where he served a year and a half in the Army during
the Korean War. Bob started work as a shorthand cook, and later held journeyman status
in both carpentry and plastering. He passed away in 2017. Joan cared for, encouraged,
and educated her three children Mike (Chris), Mary (Kevin), and Ray (Aida). Later
in life she served as the parish secretary for Saint Paul of the Shipwreck near Candlestick
Park. Joan and Bob dedicated their lives to supporting and caring for their family
and countless others who could rely on them to help in anyway they could. Their greatest
treasures were their grandchildren, Patrick, Bobby, Parker, Danny, Jack, and Flora.
Joan and Bob believed in education and offered their own family the opportunity to
explore it by any means and this scholarship is for a continuing student in Social
Sciences to experience that same opportunity.
We invite you to make a tax-deductible contribution to this fund. If you prefer to
donate by check, please indicate the fund in the check memo field, and mail to: West
Valley-Mission Foundation, 14000 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA 95070