Dr. Richard Paul Gousha (1923-2019) was a World War II veteran and distinguished educator.
At the age of 19, he enlisted in the U.S. Army where he served in the 90thInfantry Division and fought in the battle for Utah Beach. He was awarded the Bronze
Star for Meritorious Achievement for his service in the campaign to cross the Rhine
After the war, Gousha completed his undergraduate degree in history, utilizing the
original GI Bill. He started his education career at the age of 24, becoming a high
school teacher, and the next year became a superintendent of schools. He received
both his masters and doctorate in educational administration. Over his 50-year career
in public education, spanning schools in Ohio, Indiana, Delaware and Wisconsin, Gousha
held positions of superintendent, state superintendent, big city superintendent, dean
of the school of education, and professor. He retired at age 75 as a professor emeritus.
This endowment supports the Veterans Resources Center Programs at West Valley College.
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Valley-Mission Foundation, 14000 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA 95070