President Taylor-Mendoza's Message to Supporters

Join me in supporting our students to achieve their educational and career goals! In my twenty plus years in higher education—as a classified professional, tenured faculty leader, director, dean, vice president, and now president—I am continually inspired by the brilliance, power, and endless potential of West Valley College students. The role we play in students’ educational journey is pivotal, life changing even.
When I walk our beautiful campus daily, I am reminded of the impact West Valley College makes in students’ lives.
We strive to be a premier educational destination. In addition to the college’s excellent programs, we provide students with financial support, food and housing assistance, personal counseling, and academic guidance. We champion the whole student, removing barriers and obstacles, so they may fully realize their educational potential and success.Education creates lasting change in students' lives and in the lives of their families. I welcome you to join us, to explore how you might contribute to the success of so many West Valley students. I hope you will be as moved as I have been in witnessing the power of education to change lives.
Let us share in the responsibility and share in the success of creating a more just system of access, achievement, and long-term equitable outcomes for our students. Let us inspire individual achievement and impact economic prosperity. Let us realize the West Valley mission of providing students with a personalized and transformative academic experience in a dynamic, inclusive, learning environment in the heart of Silicon Valley.
West Valley provides an exceptional transfer and career educational foundation. Students transfer to four-year colleges in many degree programs while they also may complete certificates and gain access to the workforce. Whether students are just out of high school and eager to complete their general education or they are working adults who want to up-skill, we are here to ensure students reach their goals. As a donor, you will become part of the West Valley legacy of success. And you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have opened a world of opportunity for students.
Thank you for your support! West Valley College’s success begins with our community.
Sincerely,Jennifer Taylor-Mendoza, Ph.D.
President, West Valley College